JR Member Brendon Jennings receiving his JR Membership Patch 3-15-15 Brendon is also a Naval Sea Cadet with the Michigan Commanders Battalion. We welcome you!

Congratulations to Aspen Brave Bull another JR Member at this months Membership Meeting on 3-15-15


We are blessed to have another Junior Member. Congratulations are in order to Cheyenne Buckner for earning her patch on October 20, 2013

Congratulations to Dakota Cook on becoming a JR Member during our membership on April 21, 2013  We thank you!

Congratulations go to Dustin Cook for becoming a JR Member on 12/16/12


Congratulations to Amber Bravebull accepting her JR Membership Patch from our Chapter President Jerry Langhann.
Great work Amber! Thank You for all your support during our chapter events and we know all the Veterans appreciate it as well. Keep up the good work!